Walking On Air - Airwalk

Life of a guy in Singapore

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter Posted by Hello

Easter Sunday, yes I will be going back to camp in about an hours time. Though I dread it I guess you just have to look upon it positively.

Rejoice!, Christ is risen from the dead. I just felt this picture would be suitable for this day. The beauty of nature and of course life. Maybe sometimes we are too caught up with our lives that we forget to true beauty of it, sounds ironic doesn't it.
This tree is just outside my bedroom window, it goes through different phases through the year. Sometimes it is like now full of greenery, seemingly strong and robust. Other times however it can be found brown and almost bare of leaves. Guess that's how life is, sometimes we are happy and at other times we go through tough times. However no matter what life still continues just like this tree, do not be too caught up with the troubles of life.

Just like the poem from JRR Tolkien- All woods must fail, the darkest of times will pass

Saturday, March 26, 2005

sec 4 Posted by Hello

Yeh this is me back in SEC 4 guess i have changed a little since then.
Just testing this hello blogbot thingy so that i can post pictures.
Hopefully it will spice up the blog a little, maybe i will post some of my spastic pictures of me in uniform....

Well I have just finished my first week in police academy.
basically I have been selected for police OCS so its 9 months of hell in the police.
There are only forty of us selected for the police OCT course and we are supposed to be the cream of the force which really sucks cause everyone expects the best from us.
Every instructor seems to purposely find fault in what we do, which is damn frustrating, its only our first bloody week!!
So much for the belief that police is slack, well one thing is that I won't need to be in the jungle anymore but the training is no easier than the army.
In addition to all the physical stuff I have to sit for 11 exams, subjects range from the penal code, police procedures and so on... Lawyer kinda of stuff.
Furthermore we are expected to expect the unexpected.... Man that just sounds so freaking ironic.
On the second day for example we were awoken at 2 am for a uniform inspection that really sucks.
However it is quite an honour to be a police OCT I guess, furthermore I am earning 630 already which is quite a huge sum after just 3 months BMT training. But I guess you must work for the money.
I got my first bar on Wednesday so my junior term has started, after 3 months I will than get my second bar before passing out as a police probationary inspector in December or January.
Probationary period will be about a year before I become a full police inspector, that is if of course I pass everything and graduate.
Well I guess it will be a lot of hard work then..........

Friday, March 18, 2005

Ok I got my e posting today, and I got the shock of my life.
Not only did I not enter SISPEC, I am now out of the military.
Officially I have been posted to the police.
What the hell! What was I doing in BMTC for 3 months, why did I learn all that military crap if I was never going to use it????
Am I going to be condemned to two years of clerical service in the police force?
So many questions.
Even if I did poorly on my peer appraisals I should have at least gone to a combat unit.
Man even the most hated guy in our section became an MP.
Ok maybe I am over reacting. There is this possibility that I may be training to become a police inspector which is not so bad.
But even so I do feel that I would be missing out on a lot by leaving the SAF. No outfield action, no firing rockets and stuff. What to do? Guess I just have to accept.
Everyone seems envious of my posting, I seriously don't know why, why would one wish to slack his two years away and learn nothing?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Man I am literally bored out of my skull right now.
I have nothing to do, well of course there is always something to do but its not what I want to do.
confused? so am I.
Isn't it depressing when we wish for free time only to have nothing to do when we do have it. Like when I was in school i would always be wishing for the holidays, but when the holidays arrived i would have nothing to do and i would start wanting for school to start.
It seems that the human race requires to occupy himself with tasks in order to keep him from going crazy.
So is work really a drag? if you weren't working would you have so many activities as to keep you occupied and entertained the whole time?

May be going for the St patrick's day celebrations in town later so maybe i won't be bored for too much longer.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Bogeyman left me both puzzled and gasping for air.
Puzzled because the movie left me wondering what happened to the rest of the cast. There are no definite answers or explanations in the plot which makes this movie a rather confusing one.
The plot seems to be riddled with loopholes and unanswered questions, so if you are planning to watch this movie, leave your brain at home. Just enjoy it for what it is, a series of shocks and suspense filled instances.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

YOZ!! I am back, most probably because I am having my block leave and I am so freaking bored.
Yeh, so my A level results are out and as expected i did not do very well, but at least i passed.
Always think positively..........yeh.........
Seriously i believe that there is always a way in life, there are always second chances and secret loopholes out of dead ends. There is no such thing as a dead end in life rather life is always full of new openings and pathways.
Some being more difficult and longer than others, but isn't that what makes life so fantastic, each individual being different, each with separate and diverse experiences which make this world such a colourful place.
This may sound sickeningly optimistic, but this is what i personally feel so if you don't agree with it, i say fuck off from here.

Anyone wants to watch spongebob the movie????