Walking On Air - Airwalk

Life of a guy in Singapore

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Friday at last, just spent the last few hours playing CM.
Well today I was on traffic control duty for the parents teacher meeting in school, bloody boring man but at least I get to look at people*
Quite fun, got to keep a light stick and direct traffic, must have been damn lucky to not have an accident considering the 'good' directions I was giving.
Furthermore some idiot went to put the exit sign in the wrong direction causing one car to miss the ramp, good thing for the car had good suspension, if not.....


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Hmmm the music thingy does not seem to work anymore.......
Anyway I have not written anything for the past few days for the simple reason, nothing to write..
Must be leading a boring life...Actually no....haha......( going crazy)
Oh yea so what's in the news? Lets see......Terrorism......Terrorism.......Oh look SALE!.......Terrorism
Damn this world looks kind of screwed up doesn't it?

So today we had this pep talk by the principal... Results bad.. Work hard... The usual stuff... However I agree with what he said though.  Its time to work.
Its the final countdown................................ How does that song go????
Oh yea you guys out there must be wondering what happened to my yoyo, its still here collecting dust on my desk, haha.  Can't seem to stick to any hobby for long.

You know in Singapore we have this crow problem yeah.  So these people from the environment agency goes around shooting them down, crow culling as they say.  So they have these big air rifles slung over their chest ( this sentence sounds funny, but never mind) and they go around shooting crows.
Something just doesn't make sense though, cause you see these rifles are so ******* loud, one shot and the crows are gone (fly far far away)....... And they wonder why the crow problem persists, use the right equipment lah!.....CATAPULTS!!!
I think they have a reason for the noisy rifles though, just don't know what.

I'll be back


Saturday, July 24, 2004

Quiet day............. Kind of cold too.
Nothing much done, sitting around on my bum
stoning  just for fun
bloody hell.......................................

well nothing much today, going out for a run later.  Be back later.....

Friday, July 23, 2004

ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time for the fun to begin.....
actually not really, planning to do some work tonight and over the weekend but of course with some time for r&r in between.
So what happened today?..............Almost nothing
typical Friday, same lessons, same class, look at the same girls, nothing much.
Been slacking around, not really taking anything too seriously, think life is more fun and enjoyable that way. 
Not sure what to write... So I think I will just talk some cock about my school.
Now I won't say the name of my school, got to be careful now a days, you never know.....
wait... Have I ever mentioned my school in the other posts? Anyway-

My school
lets see, what can I say...........
I say its quite nice, toilets are clean, smell ok lah... But for guys who want to use the loo, got to be on the look out for 'the guy'.  Never and I mean never use the toilet with "the guy" around unless you want to suffer deep emotional and psychological trauma. 
Canteen- I say its ok, just watch out for the birds, and I dare say the food is quite edible.
cannot think of anymore to say..
stay tuned for part two


Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Wednesday, midweek.
Well nothing much today except for the career fair in school, nothing really caught my attention except for the government agencies like the police force, prisons etc.  Not sure what I really want to do later on in life.
Anyway I think I am starting to slack again, its Wednesday and I have basically not done any shit at all, got to refocus!  Got to be more serious, no more playing-yea right.......

Went for a run in the afternoon with my friend than went to the court to talk some cock.  Feels good to finally get our court back stupid RC use it for family day function.  Had to go to the court at 349 on Saturday, alone, to play ball.  Almost got whacked, not that I was not in the wrong, hate that idiot so tried to trip him.  FOUL PLAY!


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Work.. Got a lot of it to do
Anyway tomorrow there is some career fair at school, think I will go for the prisons service talk, probably the only sector desperate for employees.  probably giving out scholarships to any Tom Dick or Harry.
Speaking about Tom Dick and Harry, my friend had this hypothesis that the phrase originated cause Tom's dick was Harry????????
Damn I am writing crap here...
yea that's the thing......

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Man....the weekend just zipped by and in a few hours i will be back in school slogging over my work.
Have quite alot of stuff to do tomorrow, but i must not slacken, all the way!
Time, never seems to be enough of it to go around. 

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Rain...Well that's how the weather has been for the last few days, rain is ok but sometimes it just keeps you from doing what you want. 
All Woods Must Fail  

O! Wanderers in the shadowed land
Despair not! For though dark they stand,
All woods there be must end at last,
And see the open sun go past:
The setting sun, the rising sun,
The day's end, or the day begun.
For east or west all woods must fail.
JRR Tolkien
wondering why I put this poem up...Maybe because it speaks of hope even in the darkest of times and maybe because I am a Tolkien fan.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Well i am now officially really working hard in my studies, seems like my dismal performance in the mid years have woken me up.
However it has only been one week and whether or not i can sustain this kind of work attitude, only time will tell.
Hopefully for my own sake i keep this up though.

So anyway i was looking in the mirror just now and i realized my left eye was larger than my right, wonder why? I wonder is it a natural thing or is it just me, so if you are reading this, go look in the mirror and if one of your eyes is larger than the other write a comment in the chatter box.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Oh man my school work is really piling up now, in addition to tutorials I must now cope with the remedial packages set by the teachers, not to mention my own revision work.
It seems there isn't enough time to do everything that I want.

Well I guess that's life..................

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Bro Michael was at AJC today for the racial harmony forum together with professor.... Can't really remember his name.
Anyway they answered our questions regarding religious and racial harmony in Singapore and I found it very interesting and enlightening.
one thing however left a very deep impression in my mind, the theology of the Roman Catholic faith, firstly it is only through Jesus that we can enter Heaven.
but more importantly it is not as to say you must believe in Jesus to go to heaven, but any good men or women can enter heaven through Jesus.
god loves all men regardless of his or her beliefs and it is not for us to judge who should enter Heaven.
There is no short cut into heaven but only through a life of compassion and love for your neighbours, a life whereby you seek to please God.
more so for us Catholics the challenge is even greater for we have been privileged to know and learn about Jesus Christ.
saying this it just brings to mind the fact that I like many Catholics are however very slack in our faith, we often take it for granted, take God for granted.
God has blessed me with so much but taken for granted have I of him.
Some may argue if God was so good and powerful then why doesn't he remove all suffering in our lives, where is god when we are down, and saddened?
I believe God is always there, in our friends that come to comfort us, in our family that supports us in the people that help us.

Looking up into the sky I can't help but be amazed at the wonderful creation of God, it makes me want to go back to him and become even more fervent in my faith.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Sunday, well like every Sunday I went to church in the morning, you know, say hi to God. Sometimes however I wonder why do I go to church.
Am I there to pray, to be with God for that one hour, or am I just simply attending mass just because my mother wants me too.
Since entering JC I found myself slowly straying further and further away from God. More and more he seems so far and out of reach, maybe its because of the school environment.
Back in SJI we were constantly reminded about the presence of God and everything we did was for him, the school I feel had a greater direction than the JC I am in now.
In my JC its studies, and just studies, yes they emphasize CCAs and supposedly moral education but to me without the God factor it just seems to be missing something.
I feel that God should be in every part of our lives I know its not the school's fault, but I personally feel a mission school just has something different.

think I should try my best to make time for God.......

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Well just another Saturday I guess..Watched Gundam Seed at 1130am than after that just hung around the house, stoning mostly.

Went down for some basketball at about 4 only to find my friends were not there.
The only people there were the first gen's, pioneer group of our 'home' basketball court. I am not too close to them though, but they asked me to play some 5 on 5 and I politely obliged.
The game was going on fine but broke down after a fight broke out between two of the first gen's, now they are over 20 Years old and I just felt they were a little childish to fight over a game. However who am I too judge.

Not wanting to be involved in any arguments I than left the court early and went to hang with some friends at the nearby coffeeshop.

Man.........this is boring.........

Friday, July 09, 2004

Freedom of worship
Freedom of speech
Freedom from want
Freedom from fear

Are we free? i guess not, we are influence by our environment, the media even our friends. So do we really have freedom to choose? how do we know that what we choose or do is really our free choice?
Are we free? free from technology, is it controlling our lives? do we schedule our lives such that we are able to watch certain tv shows, have we inadvertently been made slaves of technology?

Alot of questions but little answers.......

Freak why am i writing this.........my brain is still in school...........................................................

Thursday, July 08, 2004

So its the second week into the term, nothing much has been happening except for the return of the exam scripts. As expected I did not do too well, of course what can you expect with last minute revision. Anyway the mood has changed in school, everyone seems to be in the examination mood, I think I better get into the mode too if not.....
Anyway I have been practicing with my yoyo for four days now, and I think I am becoming pretty good with it. Of course I still can't do any really advanced tricks but I can do some decent tricks. I managed to master 'rock the baby" and 'robin hood' in two days, now I am currently practicing a mounting trick, can't really remember the name though.
For anyone of you interested in learning tricks with the yoyo visit Ken's world on a string, its a really helpful site, especially for beginners.

Ken's world on a string

Monday, July 05, 2004

Well Greece won, playing their usual boring football. Portugal played admirably with 14 shots to greece's 4, 4 shots! 4 shots!.................
They scored from their 1 corner!!!!!!!! 1 corner!!!!!!!!1
The beautiful game as we know it is not so beautiful anymore.

Enough about that, anyway last night I was cleaning some of my Japanese transformers, Fighbird series, and decided to check their worth on the net. To my amazement the figure was worth 70 US. Anyway I then started searching for all my old toys in the storeroom, it really brought back memories as I re-found my old matchbox cars, spiderman action figures and even my pro yo 2.
My mum was helping me with the sorting too, and I just felt that I was really lucky to have parents that really pampered me when I was young.
I was kind of like a spoilt brat, my mum said I used to buy a toy every weekend from Thomson Plaza shopping centre. Looking back at the toys, it brought back memories of days long passed. How I used to "battle" aliens with my transformers and race my cars around the house.
Anyway I just cleaned them and back they went into the storeroom, maybe for another few years before I once again embark on my journey to memory land.

Anyway I am now playing with my pro yo 2, going to get a new string and axial tomorrow.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Sunday the Euro 2004 finals
GREECE VS. PORTUGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its the final countdown...tedetedetededetede...........

Portugal to win this match, with the creativity of Deco in the midfield and wingers like Figo the Greece defense has had its day.
undoubtedly Greece has a decent defensive force, of course they usually play a 8-2 formation and hope to catch opponents on the break, now I am no football expert, but that is just boring football. For the sake of the beautiful game, Greece should either play open attacking football with Portugal, or lose.
Portugal should win not only because of their better skilled players or the master tactician, Scolari, but basically because they play beautiful football, the way football should be played.

Portugal should pressure the Greece defense from the start, score an early goal and force them to play open football. If they once again resort to hiding behind their defensive wall of theirs, pump long balls into the heart of the defense, shake them up and score a goal.

Portugal all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Man...What a boring Saturday.
I woke up at about 930 only to find myself alone at home, so I had to make my own breakfast. Just had some ham on bread. Then I read the papers...............Watch Gundam Seed, Go GO GO!!!

I was planning to play some hoops but it just had to rain, I have not done any exercise for over a week now, feeling really lethargic.
Maybe tomorrow the weather will be better or whether it will be not but whatever the weather...........

Anyway I spent 1 hour figuring out how to add the bloody media player on my Blog last night so APPRECIATE IT.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

WOOHOOO finally end of the bloody common tests, don't think I did too well, might even fail all three subjects but what the hey, they are over!

Went to watch spiderman2 today, it had a five star review in the papers the other day and the reporter or critic whatever was totally right.
the show was fantastic, with a great storyline which really developed the characters very well. The movie really makes you feel for the characters, you literally want to shout out "watch out" when spiderman is attacked.
totally worth my $7.50

I have an off day tomorrow, but I don't know how I am going to spend my time......Really want to go out, but with who????