Walking On Air - Airwalk

Life of a guy in Singapore

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Merry Christmas! people or rather happy Boxing day!
Yeh christmas has been great, went to church on christmas eve night then on christmas day went to hang out at suntec before going to my Aunt's place for our annual Christmas gathering.
Cool to see everyone again and the newest addition to our family, my neice Nicole.
My cousins were teasing me about the NS thing most of them ORD just this year and i just entered, damn.
My name is now officially Recruit Jason.....

Yeh will be booking in later think i will go rest for a while before i start packing all my stuff.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Yo people I am back! For the Christmas holidays at least.
Well the past two weeks have been fun, met some nice people in camp and really had quite a fun experience.
Got to hold rifle field pack and all that stuff not bad.
Apart from the discipline and scolding which can't be avoided I think army life is really quite a good experience, it really teaches one to be independent and be adaptable to the many different people one meets.
Finally it also makes you treasure your family much more.

Kok Wai
Dear Kok Wai, you have been a good friend, though I only knew you for about a year or so we had some good times together. The movies we jokes we shared and all the fun times we had as the guys of class 1303. Feel a bit guilty though as I did not reply your last sms, sorry. Your CDs are still with me hope you don't mind.

-rock on- in memory of dear friend Kok Wai (passed away 20th December 2004)

Friday, December 10, 2004

Day5- See you Christmas

Yeh so will be away for a while so no more Blogging for a while.
Just keep tagging to keep the chatterbox alive yeh.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Day4- Love
Today i will attempt to talk about love, yes i am neither experienced in all this BgR stuff nor have any real knowledge about it but i will just try to put in my two cents worth.
Today the subject of love is very blurry, no one seems to truly know anything about it.
People are doing things only people in love should be doing and often out of acceptable circumstances. Love has been degraded to a lie to get satisfaction for one's lust.
Sex too has been made into a form of cheap entertainment, purely for recreational purposes. Love that was supposed to go hand in hand we this beautiful and altogether sacred expression of love is presently largely lost in society.
We need to reflect and deeply search and find the reasons for this obvious lack of simple morality in society.
We cannot keep ignoring the fact that millions of lives are being lost each year before they are even born.
Love i believe is what basically distinguishes us from animals, we are able to feel for each other, to form deep physical and spritual bonds with our partners. To lust is but the animal instinct deep down in us, to give in to lust basically ascertains the fact that one is an animal. Simple as that, humans are moral beings with a concionsce, our instincts do not control our actions.

Maybe i am writing so harshly because i have never been in a situation whereby i have faced such temptaion, but isn't that the whole point? To not do something then do not put yourself into a situation whereby you cannot control yourself.
Love Litmus test
If someone pressures you into having sex late at night at a secluded stairwell-------Not love
Marriage--------More often then not-Love

-Peace out-

Day 3- Mortality
This posting is a little late, came home late yesterday and was just too tired to blog. Along we with my promise of a posting for these five days here it is.
Ever realized that when you were young the thought of death seldom came into one's mind, we had years and years ahead of us, death seemed so far away. As one gets older though the realization of one's mortality becomes more and more apparent. I am already 18 years, there is so much more to do and become, will I be able to fulfill my dreams?
These are pertinent and altogether sometimes worrying issues in one's life, there is also the undoubtedly not really fear but uncertainty when it comes to death.
For me I being catholic believe in hope, a Christian hope that salvation would come.
Not everyone believes in Christianity so I will try to be as secular as possible. For me I feel that it is not the issue of when you die but rather how you have lived your life.
Because if there is one thing I can guarantee you is that you will all die. Surely.
Life is not about doing everything but rather living up to how you wish to live. To do that direction is the key, sadly however direction is sorely lacking in this incessantly high paced world of ours. Everything is going by so quickly that we have little time to collect our thoughts.
Time to recollect and reflect is becoming ever more important today, children are maturing faster than they should, people are killing themselves just to live up to their 'standard of living'. Is this really how you want to live?
To reflect not only sets you on the right path but lets one correct oneself, self rectification if I can say so. Looking at the youth of today it is disturbing to see how little direction they have. I myself and guilty of this for many a times I no not what I want and why I do things.
Pre-marital sex, teenage pregnancy born out not of love but of lust are just examples of the lost in direction in today's world. The value of money over morals, and the wave of new technologies that do not bring mankind to a better more moral and enlightened society.
How then you might ask are we supposed to live properly in these circumstances?
My teacher once called upon us to do this reflection. Imagine and think of what you want people to say about you at your funeral and work towards it.

-peace out-

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Day 2- People
I believe I have been fortunate enough to have come across many different people, from many different backgrounds.
Basically it is through the people we meet that we are able to grow and mature in our thoughts. Its ironic sometimes just like what David Henry Thoreau wrote, we pay so much for our tuition in school while we learn so much more from through the discussions and conversations we have between friends and teachers alike.
To know a great many different peoples not only expands your horizons but also makes you more in touch with the world around you. To stick with only one type of people only gives you a one dimensional and often singular outlook towards life.
Take for instance the different philosophies in life so adopted by my friends in Secondary school and those from the people in my neighborhood. My secondary school friends often see themselves being high achievers being somebody in the world; to make a difference. Idealistic and altogether honorable. While my friends in the neighborhood seek and see themselves in a much more simple life, a decent job just to get by, living each day as it is.
Which of course is your selected pathway is up to you, but the point is this, different people with different views make this place an altogether more colourful world.
In touch with people from different financial backgrounds too exposes one to different lifestyles and an education on etiquette in different environments.
To know only people from one particular 'breed' is not only boring but detrimental to one.

Though one might say friends come and go, to not have any close friends out of suspicion or fear is silly. To not have friends is probably one of the worst things one can experience, solitude, though one might enjoy it sometimes is not the way how we Men are meant to live.
Solitude though good for quiet contemplation and workings of our mind regarding issues of consequence also brings a often singular and self centered outlook towards various issues.
Only through deliberation and conversation can we fully mature and smoothen out our beliefs and values.

-peace out-

Monday, December 06, 2004

Day One- The Future

I have never been one to work hard, plainly I am a slacker. I take pride in being able to do the minimum and be able to just get by. This is the has been the story of my entire school life, in Secondary school for example, I was perennially close to last in my Upper Secondary class and really only sat down to study few weeks before my O levels. I scrapped by with a decent 10 points.
Then there came Junior College, again I just did the bare minimum, did my tutorials ( ok not everyone) and just hoped to pass my tests. Of course my grades suffered because of this and now I am rather nervously awaiting my A level results.
The true fact is now apparent, no matter how smart, in intelligent or witty you are there is always someone as intelligent, smart and witty as you are if not even more so. To truly stand out it takes none other than ambition and the willingness to strive for it.
Yes, you have heard this time and time again from your teachers, parents, motivational speakers etc...... But you cannot but help to admit the true fact in these words.
The true realization and impact of these words only came to me these few days. It was not through some motivational speaker or teacher that influenced me but rather the normal people I meet everyday, my friends and even strangers.
Firstly my friends, caught up with some of my secondary school classmates and they were all doing pretty well, special papers and all that, they were being offered scholarship after scholarship. Why so? Surely they are no more intelligent than I, we were in the same class, some for all my four years in Secondary school. The fact is this, you work you get it, if you do not you don't, plain and simple.
Why should I be satisfied with mere averageness or mediocrity, why just do what is enough, why not go out there and live up to your full potential?
I was at Lido today with my one of my friends, while munching on a subway this uncle who was working at the Long John Silvers asked to join us as there weren't anymore seats. He engaged us in a polite conversation. He was an old man, 65 years old, he looked no different from any other person but the thing was this, this man who was frying fish at 5 bucks an hour had a PHD!
He was a retiree and was just working as he said, "for the fun of it" He lives in a bungalow along seletar and has a monthly pension of a thousand plus dollars, it was like what the hell was he here.
As he spoke I came to realize why he was willing to put himself, a PHD former lecturer of economics at Malaysian University, under the charge of a manager who I think probabably does not even have a degree. The reason was this, he wanted to try new things, occupy his time, and just be the best he could.
As we spoke, I could see he was a one who values education and knowledge a whole lot, probably more than any of us. He emphasized repeatedly on the fact that knowledge would get us far in life, probably he noticed our generations almost indifferent attitude to studies. To him knowledge is not just some piece of paper for you to get a job, it is a life skill something that will get you far and something that is for one truly yours.
He encouraged me repeatedly over our side conversations regarding Arsenal football club to study hard. "Study hard, work hard and they ( MNCs, opportunities) will find you.."
Not only did he encourage us and advice us on the importance of our education but also on the fact that indeed we, Yes we, are the future. It is up to us to run this place. He said he being sixty five couldn't do much at this point in time, basically his time is over, it is now up to us.

I could see in his eyes, a sincere hope for us to succeed, not to waste our live on some doldrum pathetic job like frying fish but rather to be someone and make a difference. It is only through such frank conversations can you truly feel the full impact and experience the very hope the older generation has on us.

He finished his lunch and before he left he said this, "people can steal your money (rob you), but knowledge is yours, no one can steal it"
He went back to his business of frying fish.

If you are free hang around Lido Long John Silvers around lunch time, you might see him. Seriously it is no waste of time in talking to him.
The people we meet ultimately influences us in the way we think and live our lives.

-Peace Out-

Sunday, December 05, 2004

This blog will officially be undergoing a period of comotost (is that how you spell it?) from the 11th of December onwards as I will be entering the army. So to celebrate this I will be having a countdown on my blog. A new post for each of the five days before December 11.

Firstly I need to thank all you loyal supporters and readers of my blog, really, there isn't any sense in blogging if basically no one reads it.

What to expect over the next five days?
  • Photos
  • Personal writings
  • Passion
  • Wanderings

check back tomorrow -peace out-

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Feeling damn sleepy today, totally in a daze for much of the day.
Must be because of the weather, just so humid can't really sleep well at night.
Strange thing is that i can sleep better in the afternoons than at night.

Yeh try visiting this site www.crazythoughts.com is quite funny, just a list of questions that no one ever asks and no one really knows the answer to. Great when you have nothing better to do.

Lack of ambition the worst disease a men and this time i mean us men can suffer from. To live for nothing but the very sake of living is probably the worst thing anyone can do (this of course applies for everyone)

Friday, December 03, 2004

This entire day has been one big rush
Morning went jogging
Rush to meet Joe Han for breakfast
Then rush to meet friends for a movie
Then rush back to Joe Han's place for soccer before ending the day with Monopoly
Damn i suck at Monopoly
At least i was occupied for the entire day

Polar express is a great show, yes a little bit childish but well there is a kid in all of us.
The animations were stunning, and i felt the movie had a really feel good feeling to it.
you can't help going into the movie and coming out feeling all christmasy.
Sometimes it is good to be a kid.
No worries, no planning ahead, being happy with just what you got (note: does not apply to spoilt brats)

Seeing is believing but sometimes the most real things are things that cannot be seen.
I would like to believe that there is some magic in this world, not that lame shit stuff that Daivd wathshisname, but magic, you know chirstmas magic and the easter bunny and the all the other magical creatures and stuff.